With Summer upon us, it's the perfect time to give your skin and body a refreshing treat!
We're thrilled to announce an exclusive offer just for you - our NEVESKIN SHAPE & TONING!
Neveskin is the NEW evolution of Crysokin. Neveskin uses the latest state-of-the-art technology to rejuvenate, tighten and contour your skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite and stubborn fat pockets. It's pain-free, effective, and provides immediate results.
Neveskin utilizes what is called the "Pelteir Effect." The Pelteir Effect utilizes the manipulation of temperature to reduce cellulite, tone and lift the skin, and freeze fat cells.
Special JULY Offer: Enjoy the transformative effects of NEVESKIN SHAPE & TONE!
5 SESSIONS REG $2250 (30% OFF for $1575)
10 SESSIONS REG $4500 (40% OFF $2700)
We always look forward to seeing you,
The Team at Dawn Amador Advanced Skin Therapy
BOOK YOUR TREATMENT & DISCOVER THE AMAZING TRANSFORMATION OF NEVESKIN SAHPE: https://book.squareup.com/appointments/svkng4itjdmgtk/location/325139JQ30HK2/services
